What to expect

  • Your first appointment will be 60-90 minutes depending on the physician.

  • Please bring your child’s valid health card to your appointment.

  • We ask you show up 5 minutes prior to your appointment to review our office policies and have your child measured.

  • If possible bring any related information. (ie. report cards, assessments, current medications, etc.)

  • Make sure to have requested forms/questionnaires completed.

    **Reminder: Please remember to book your next appointment before leaving our office. **

    *Please be aware we ask for all footwear to be removed*


We understand that waiting for an appointment can be frustrating particularly when it involves the health and well being of your child. Your family doctor or referring doctor can contact our office if they feel your child needs a more urgent assessment or would like some interim suggestions. Alternatively, if circumstances have changed and you no longer need the appointment at our office, then please notify us as soon as possible so we can accommodate patients on our wait list.

**Due to security issues, we do not communicate via e-mail or text regarding health issues. Please contact our office at 403-284-0001**